
Mattheau LeDuc grew up on Cape Cod, MA.

After attending college in Amherst, MA, and receiving his B.A. in political policy, he entered the political arena working as a speech writer, policy analyst and communications director.

The Warsaw Papers is his first multi-book series blending some of today’s favorite genre’s, such as historical fiction, sci-fi, action-adventure and political thrillers.

When he’s not writing he likes to jump on his mountain bike and head out to explore the Blue Ridge Mountains, or head over to the local track & field where he trains to compete in the USATF Master sprinting events.

He splits his time between New England and the Carolina’s with his wife and four children.


Mattheau loves hearing from his readers. Please send him an email and let him know what’s on your mind or by connecting with him on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter below!

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